updated June 4, 2024

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Presentation at BSU Applied Math

Students of the Applied Mathematics, Mathematics, Physics and Geology Departments of the Baku State University are invited to attend a presentation on opportunities in High Performance Computing. The presentation will be given at 12:30PM on Saturday, 7th of March at the Applied Mathematics Department. Students and researcher from other universities and institutions are welcome as well.



SEP Notes

The referenced file contains short notes of the seminar given to the students and researches of the Stanford Exploration Project during the week of October 8, 2007.

Right-click on the thumbnail in the left pane and save as a .pdf file.


Research Opportunities in Applied Mathematics and Geophysics

The next session of my weekly Applied and Industrial Mathematics Seminar will be held on the 12th of June 2007 at 13:00 in room 300 of the BSU FAM. Please track FAM announcements and regularly visit http://www.maharramov.com and http://www.appliedmathematics.org for updates and news of special seminar gatherings.
Check out the continuously updated lectures notes and example tarballs below. Save the tarballs on disk as ".tar" files and the lecture notes as a ".pdf" file. Active registration with maharramov.com is required for viewing this content....display full article text

IAM Lecture Notes (updated on 25 Nov 07)
Example 1 Tarball
Example 2 Tarball
Example 3 Tarball
Example 4 Tarball
Example 6 Tarball
Example 5 Tarball
Example 7 Tarball
Example 8 Tarball



DoAM 2007 course work assignment

Attached are:

  • the first revision of detailed instructions for 2007 course works related to the Pipeline Simulator Project - save the thumbnailed link on the left pane as a .pdf file;
  • course work paper LaTeX template - save as paper.tex;
  • course work bibliography LaTeX template - save as paper.bib.

  • paper.tex



    DoAM 2007 course work assignment

    A detailed description of the hydraulic calculations project is attached - individual course works will be based on this paper. ...display full article text


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